It was interesting to hear this
morning on the radio a King County (Seattle)
Councilman say he wanted to run for Congress to unseat Kim Shriver (D)
to "stop passing policies that make America weak." It was a short bit
on the news, so not much more detail was given on what policies he was referring
to, but knowing the radio host — local radio Dumpster — who was agreeing with
him, probably helping people with food, health care and housing was what he is
referring to, because being hungry, cold and on the street makes you tough as we
all know.
The next story in the news was a
longer piece about how Americans can't get the overpriced marketed products they
want for Christmas. The example given was a dad who was really working hard to
get his two boys the new PS 5 they had to have. According to the report,
compounding supply chain shortages caused by the pandemic, "gray
market" operators are using bots to scoop up this year's most in demand
goodies in "nano seconds." The dad said the lowest PS 5 he could find
was for $950+.
Last I checked, This is called Capitalism.
You buy low, sell high. Isn't this what we are supposed to do in our society horde
everything to ourselves and then sell at a higher price to milk our fellow Earthlings
for as much as possible. "Get it while the gettns good" as they say.
This is what the stock market is all about, by low then sell it higher. "It's the economy
It sounds to me like Capitalism
is making our country weak, not more food and housing. The
higher prices families are paying for these mass marketed goods take away
valuable funds that could be better used for sustenance, health and housing,
which all have gone up in addition to consumer goods.
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