Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Baltimore Orioles Help Raise Money for the Blind

Recently, the Baltimore Orioles traded in their uniforms with their name written with the alphabet for uniforms with their names spelled out in Braille. The gesture was not just a publicity stunt, however. It was part of the National Federation of the Blind night. In this first of its kind event, celebrating the NFB moving to Baltimore, the team will auction off the Braille uniforms to benefit the NFB. This is a great thing on a variety of different levels.
     First, it directly benefits the NFB who provide needed services to the blind community. My white cane was generously provided by the NFB. It is my second white cane from them. I shut my first cane in a car door. They provided the second cane no questions asked. Programs like the NFB night at the Oriole game fund these types of things. Second and perhaps just as important is bringing awareness to blindness. A lot of people haven’t been around blind people. Put on some shades, grab a cane and go tapping around your local mall. You’ll get treated like an invading alien. People just don’t know what to do with a blind person. My wife gets annoyed by the looks we get when we are out. “Yes, a blind guy has a wife and kids.” “Yes, this blind guy is on a date with his hot wife.” Shocking!
      What is also shocking is to see and hear people saying this was an empty gesture by the Orioles. Those who say this is an empty gesture because people can’t go down and read the Braille on the uniforms miss the point. The Braille is not for the blind people. Of course, it is useless to a blind person, or even a sited person sitting in the stands, but the point is to bring attention to the NFB and it’s time in Baltimore with an added fundraising bonus.